If you’re spending more time putting out fires than actually growing your business, we've got to talk about your manager...
But First... Pop Quiz! Which of These Describes You?
“I'm Overwhelmed With Too Much to Do,
I Need Understand How To Get
More From The Team!

- I need help - I can’t do it all!
- I can’t find good help that I can trust…
- I don’t know what exactly to delegate or what a Manager should do…
- I want support and collaboration to grow my business…
- I’m missing specific, repeatable systems and just want the f*ing answers instead of another "course"!
“Everyone Needs Me Everywhere and I Need Freedom. Time for a Second In Command so
I can Focus on the Vision!”

- My team needs access to someone else instead of me…
- My team doesn’t get the right things done without me…
- I’m constantly pulled into the day-to-day fires…
- I am worried I'll lose control if I hand over the daily operations…
- I’ve got to get back control of my time and take care of myself…
- Bigger opportunities are calling. I need time to focus on the BIG vision!
Not Sure Which Fits You? Don't Panic, Let's Chat!
Together We Can Identify Your Highest Priority Moves
So You Can Grow Faster and Easier with a Team You Can TRUST!
Why You Need A True Expert?
Sound advice and trusted information about building a team that delivers reliable results for your growing business requires a thorough, repeatable customized hiring strategy and a step by step team management framework. "Figuring it out" is costing you and your company - in cash AND energy!
Here is what we know, because you are lucky enough to have successful business, you will always need to hire. Whether to build new positions as you scale, diversify or acquire, or to replace your amazing staff as their own lives flourish in ways that require them to move on, you need to know how to hire and manage YOUR best team.

Boss HQ delivers hiring strategies to find the RIGHT people for you, your clients and your business' needs. It is not about finding any body...it is about finding YOUR freedom team, Boss. Your team is absolutely going to be different than your business bestie's because that is what is required to Scale On Purpose. Using a predictable, repeatable process to identify success for each role is how you can KNOW what the RIGHT candidate must bring with the them to your company.
The small business market continues to shift and change and in the fast-moving environment of a growing company like you are in right now, you must recognize your own job description needs to change too. It's more important than ever to have a trusted advisor on your side. Whether you are building your internal systems or ready to up level your Boss skills, its mission-critical to work with an expert who can guide you through each unique step in the process of building, leading and celebrating with your kick ass team.